Ciorba Group provides asset management services to both public agencies and the private owners of residential, commercial, or industrial properties. Roads, parking lots, water mains, sanitary sewers, stormwater management systems, and lighting are all major capital investments. Ciorba provides the tools for our clients to maintain these assets in good working order. Our team will first develop a baseline condition of a client’s existing infrastructure through an on-site inspection by experienced personnel.

Pavement can be rated based on a visual inspection or through special testing with the results compiled in a software-based system. For water mains, our water resources engineers can identify water pressure problem areas through distribution system modeling. Pipe condition can be analyzed through testing and recorded repair locations. Sanitary collection systems can be modeled to locate undersized sewer pipes while televising sewers will allow evaluation of pipe condition.  Stormwater management components can be evaluated for performance and condition including pipes and detention facilities. Existing street lighting and traffic signal equipment can be inventoried, identifying their locations and conditions. The condition of bridges and other structural items are inspected for their condition per NBIS requirements.Our multidiscipline  team can organize the collected data into the client’s existing GIS or Ciorba can develop a system for you. With input from the client, the team can develop a cost effective multi-year maintenance and repair program with the goal of extending the infrastructure’s service life.. The multi-year program allows the client to establish an annual budget for the work either as part of general maintenance or as a Capital Improvement Plan. Future site inspections are conducted on a periodic basis to update the multi-year program and create a continuous record of the infrastructure’s condition.